CSE5300 Advanced Computer Networks (Fall 2019)

This course provides an introduction to the design, analysis and implementation of advanced networked embedded systems that interact with physical environment.  Topics covered in this course include concepts, technologies and protocols for low-power and resource-restricted wireless networks; embedded system architectures; and real-time system concept, scheduling theory and design principles. Other advanced topics will also be covered in this course include real-time operating systems, indoor collaborative localization techniques, and end-to-end delay analysis in wireless mesh networks. Through a well-designed course project, students will acquire skills in the design, implementation and debugging of core embedded and real-time functionality, and build applications on representative wireless real-time and embedded communication platforms.

Administrative Information

Instructor: Song Han    Email: song dot han at uconn dot edu
Office Hr: Tuesday 3:45 - 4:45 PM, 355 ITE Building or by appointment
Class Info: TTH 5:00-6:15 PM, MCHU 309
Course Schedule: https://cps.cse.uconn.edu/teaching/acn/schedule
Prequisites: CSE 2300W, 3666 and 3300 or equivalent with permission of the instructor.
TA Information: Not Available


There will be paper review assignments ( one or two papers per week, since the week of September 10th), one in-class midterm exam, and one in-class final exam.  Each student will be assigned to present one paper (20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q&A)

The final course grade will be computed as follows:

  • Homework and Paper review 25%
  • Midterm: 25%
  • Presentation: 10%
  • Final 40%

If you have questions regarding the grading of your paper review, project or exams, you MUST come to see the instructor WITHIN ONE WEEK after the date your paper review, project or exams have been returned to you.

Late Policy

Homework and Programming Assignments are subject to late penalty. Here is the point deduction policy: 20% deduction (late by 1 day), 40% deduction (late by 2days), 80% deduction (late by 3 days), and no credit if late by more than three days.

Contact the instructor in case of medical emergency, and a written proof from your doctor is required.

Academic Integrity


You may discuss the homeworks with anyone and use any reference material, provided you do not copy any other person's work. We will follow the University Policy on Academic Integrity regarding any cheating and plagiarism. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this page, as you are responsible for its contents.